Sunday, December 10, 2006

ventriloquizing patti

in '77, it was all contradiction, contra-dick-shun? or contra-dick-less?

from the OED: contradictless means "that cannot be contradicted"; although obs., the word was used in 1607 by Day Trav. Eng. Bro., "words thunderlike, a contradictlesse tongue."

the pictures with lizzie hammer dick-shun. yet her ode to moreau, barbedwire-fenceonfire-liarliarfemaledesire, dick-less.

moreau's "words thunderlike," oui oui, near the close of Mademoiselle (1966)and the townspeople pitchfork manou to death. in 1979, manou's mime, ettore manni, who patti describes as "this burly italian burt lancaster...reeking of the wine fields ("On Jeanne Moreau") shot himself in the groin, se suicider, tout-ou-rein.

but patti swishes both ways. in her interview in An Unauthorized Biography, she says that she's taken over by men, but 5 years later, she thinks that moreau is "so great" because of "the way she conquers a guy." too, patti nudges punkgazers in '77 with this morsel, further fraying her public gender id: "i'd like jeanne moreau to cut me down to size, 'cuz in the process of being cut down to size by her i'd really start to grow" ("On Jeanne Moreau"). either patti doesn't want to be taken over by men, although she is, or she wants to be the guy, cut down by the girl (plunked center stage with sigmund?) to become a girl (by oedipal force of her hysterical, cathected, imaginary penis?), a girl who's "got brains" ("On Jeanne Moreau"), whose brains "start to grow" after it's gone.


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